Thursday, April 17, 2014

Confessions and Boobs

So it's time for an update again after leaving things be for a week or so!
(Remember, these are pre-written blogs as I'm almost 2 weeks away from my 3rd tri now!! Current blogs coming soon!!)
I have since battled the bathroom madness of hanging my head over a toilet, but again not as bad as last pregnancy. 
Praise God! However... My issues with eating foods and getting that yuck response is indeed worse this round. I have trouble even standing in my kitchen looking for a meal some days! Let alone my son's food sometimes KILLS me when I feed him *sigh* yay. I've had my mom feed him a couple times because I almost lost my food and she laughs at me while telling me to go lay down.
And while we're talking about things that kill me with my son, here's another... Poopy diapers. Oh. My goodness. I have a really strong diaper stomach but if you saw me lately you'd call me a liar. I have the worst time with poopy diapers and sometimes I can't even be in the same room when he's going. (My son has a gift for stink.) There was one morning my hubby brought him to me for morning cuddles and he had to take him right back because I had to run for the bathroom. I'm feeling like a pansy right now to be honest.
Can't change my kid's poopy diapers most of the time and I feel like gagging standing in our kitchen. 

I also have the return of that horrid pregnancy dry throat and that gorgeous random gag reflex. It's beautiful, let me tell you...

So my doctor and I are off to a good start and she was glad to respect my wishes for a more non invasive pregnancy. This means no internal exams unless there's a threat to me or the baby or when labor kicks in and all that jazz starts to go down. I'm very supportive of a woman who just wants to let her body go and work with it vs watching herself like pot being set to boil. Sometimes the more you're checked the higher the risk for complications during labor and delivery. Now if you're high risk to start off with there are places for things to be different seeing as safety of mom and baby are very important! 

Our first official visit consisted of getting my weight, haven't lost or gained any. Last time on my first checkup with my midwife I had already gained 10lbs! Of course peed in a cup. Talked about nutrition (Yet nothing near like what a midwife covers on that topic) and working out. Set a plan in motion for labor/delivery based off her professional opinion and she thinks it's okay to indeed try for a VBAC. Heard little 2.0's heartbeat at 164! Blood work and set up an ultrasound appt. then a follow up visit.

Google search

My bust has how shall we say this... Taken the liberty to be even more independent this time? I wish I could remove the girls and leave them home some days! As if I wasn't busty enough the first round ;) I'm in bigger trouble with this baby, no pun intended. 

I've had to take Tylenol PM more this pregnancy for survival sake. I hate drugs but this momma needs her sleep when her head is trying to murder her! I also still use Coke to sometimes aid my upset tummy when sea bands are feeling a bit constrictive. So those two things don't have me entirely proud but I am trying to be alive enough to care for a VERY active baby boy. He is all over the place and doesn't really know how to sit still some days. Sometimes he will use nap time as "personal play time" how can one sleep when she hears a chatter box in her ear?! At night I can shut it out no problem it's day time I have trouble. 

Aaaanyway, those are my "confessions", I won't hide the little details that don't make me particularly happy like I said. 
I'm very honest with you guys!
If I did a daily vlog you'd see just how real both myself and my family are.. I think we're a hoot personally! 
(We used to scare the pants of my baby sister's boyfriend;)

Shannon <3

PS. Does anybody ever have format issues here on Blogger? I go nuts sometimes! I know I'm not the best proofreader when I slam out my work but the format glitches are salt in the wound. ;)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Morning Sickness with #2

Well, I haven't got away from getting sick but things have been better than last pregnancy as I said before.
This is what I never snapped a shot of last pregnancy and this is taaaaame... Broken capillaries after a visit to the toilet.

Things I've learned so far:

1. I've learned protein is a HUGE help and not to eat the same thing over and over again. 

2. Plain water is not good on my stomach so unfortunately so I'm not getting my regular 100 + oz as of late. 
Gatorade is a help and I know, I know it's not the best thing since the sugar and all but it's helping.
3. Lots and lots of food aversions so when I don't feel sick nothing sounds all that wonderful.

14ish weeks :)

My chiro raised the center table for my belly since I popped and I now have people at work shocked at how much belly there is, and yes, I was flat before we got pregnant with this 2nd bundle!

My level of tired has grown even more, so I'm resting when my little is down for his naps and/or of he's playing alone and happy. 
I am able to workout between 4-10 min and if I'm consistent that's still loads better than last time!

My sleep has gotten better tho!! Praise God!! I still have ugh nights but they are much, much less!! 

Let's revisit nausea for a second...

So after my annoyance with talking to my dr about some prenatal aids to help with nausea (Out of curiosity and yes I dared to talk with them again after my frustration over the sleep help.) I decided to go for Sea Bands. They are insanely ugly but you can't be picky when you're trying to be as healthy as possible. And for those who might not know what these odd little things are they're a band for your wrist that hits a pressure point to help relieve nausea. This is good for boats, travel, morning sickness etc
I'm on my first day and so far there seems to be relief! I'm not sick with my head in the toilet but I do have that yuck not sure what I can eat or drink feeling... In fact I've gone from downing water L&R to hardly able to tolerate it. Lots of ick responses to food again like I mentioned above and I HATE that because I'm a "foody". But these Sea bands seems to help! I do notice I need more calcium, magnesium and protein and when I have that balance I feel much better.

Google search

I think some morning sickness is due to something we might be lacking in our bodies/diet, not just the hormone changes. I also believe in pushing as far past that gunk as possible and not talking yourself into being sick. I mentioned last time I can't stand hearing, "My mom was SO sick...I'm doomed!" Not really. Talk to somebody who knows their nutrition and isn't just going to pass you a script. Meds should be a very last resort during pregnancy!


These Sea Bands seem good so far and I hope they help me get at least 3 small workouts in a week or at least stay way more active than last time. *Update (Several weeks later)* They worked wonders and are worth a shot!!! Saved my tush at work even though I had darling clients telling me it was okay if I had to run and puke. So sweet :)

Shannon <3 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Pregnancy Insomnia and Medications

Slight rant :)

You've been warned.

My TBI and these hormone changes are sometimes killer! 
I never know if it'll be a good day or a bad day and so far the insomnia is kicking my butt with a little tummy yuck on the side. 
My lack of sleep is starting to REALLY show so I reluctantly decided to call my doctor's office and talk with a nurse...

I was curious if a dark cherry supplement (that boosts melatonin levels naturally) might help me out? 
Or a simple melatonin capsule maybe? 
Other natural options I've used before for occasional restlessness I know aren't safe for pregnancy/nursing. 
I do my own research as you know but I'm not about to test something when pregnant if I'm not feeling %100 secure.

I was asked lots of questions, 
Asked twice if I was on any meds, 
Asked if I was sure I wanted a natural method vs a medical one etc...

The cherry method turns out isn't safe and it has the potential to cause birth defects... Nope never mind. 

The melatonin is still being researched and therefore she didn't know, however on the internet I hear it can be safe and there haven't been issues reported. But I'd like to be cautious seeing as there's nothing stating 100% yes or no.
So I'll stick with getting up and moving to the couch, drinking something warm, the sound app on my phone, youtube etc. 
It's keeping me sane. TIRED but sane. :) 

In the end they gave me a list of 5 meds... 
3 are a "hell no" (Ambien, Luna and Unisom) the other two I took maybe 5 times last pregnancy (Tylenol PM and Benadryl) I didn't feel too worried about those choices.The nurse had no idea of what a natural method looked like so I hung up feeling quite upset and frustrated.

Via the NY Times article

I've received flack before for posting on pregnancy and medication via my personal fb page and I realize I may get some doing this. 
But I believe too many mommies/people go into taking medications blindly and don't know the full risks behind them. The FDA doesn't know about the full repercussions of taking medications and I'm past saying they really care if they're getting paid. I'm more of a "crunchy" "homeopathic" momma if you haven't gathered and it takes a lot for me to consider a medication before taking one. 
Let alone if I'm growing a baby! 

Let's not forget some medication saves lives, I needed some when giving birth to my son. 
Wisdom is key, wisdom is valuable when it comes to stuff like this.
I will never stop saying, "Do your research before you act!"

(Here's a link I found, thought it was a good read:

I'm having trouble making a clickable link so I guess the old copy/paste method will have to do...

Maybe consider this blog a disclaimer for select future blogs, 
I love my doctor so far but I'm also staying true to my natural roots during my pregnancy like I did last time. 
I drive the medical industry crazy at times but they do the same for me in return. 
I think we will manage okay in the end. :) 

Shannon <3 

Monday, April 7, 2014

First Trimester with Baby #2!

* The next few blogs I wrote in my first tri and seeing as I have 4 weeks left in my 2nd you'll be updated quickly!!*

12ish weeks

How am I feeling so far?:

1. Well, so far things are better on some notes vs my first pregnancy; I'm not living with my head in the toilet and I keep telling myself I won't as personal motivation. I REFUSE to live in the stupid bathroom this time!! Food adversions are still here. 

2. This time I have the WORST pregnancy insomnia. Ever. So if I thought I was tired after a long day at work and then home to be with my family and chase my peanut while he explores his world...I hadn't seen anything yet! Weighing the pros and cons this vs constant puking? I think I'd rather be sleep deprived however hellish it is. With the insomnia comes a nasty case of RLS (restless leg syndrome). I have this due to the TBI and it's becomes worse during pregnancy and this time it's showing me zero mercy. I sit and plot drinking the whole container of Natural Calm some nights. But I think I'll try upping my calcium first. :) Esp since the Natural Calm doesn't make my tummy feel all that great this time. 

3. I'm hungry but not FAMISHED like last time. I do find the hunger annoying just like last time esp since I felt it ALL during nursing and had JUST got it to end when we stopped only to turn around and start it all over again. *sigh* I do get queasy if I let it of too long. Like right now.
4. My body temp has been crazy high and that kills me at night sometimes, my husband is a giant heat producer so I in turn kill him. *slight evil grin (Payback)*  It's a vicious cycle some nights. I try to get up and move to the couch so I can at least get some sleep and let the poor hubby sleep as well. He however informs me come morning my pillow was a poor substitute. He loves me :)

Fears or concerns?:

Yes and yes.
Last time I was feeling less than ready to be a new mom, would I even be a good mom? 
To make a potentially long blog longer I am happier and more fulfilled then ever!!!
This time it's hospital/dr anxiety and the fear of another horrible birthing experience... 
When I said I'm terrified of hospitals I wasn't joking.
 I also feel like I'm betraying myself and my beliefs in birth and how I believe it was designed to go. 

In other words... 
I'm being WAY too hard on myself :)

Clothing woes:

Clothing is difficult as I was seeing results from FINALLY being able to workout again and getting back into my sexy yoga pants to my waist line freaking out already and my bellying popping. I look pregnant! Trying to hide it is tricky... Cause some shirts make me look short and "fat" haha My family says I'm crazy. So my goal is to keep a routine this time and be more active so I don't gain excess weight like last time. 
Speaking of last time and weight gain it was due to the fact I was struck but such horrid conditions with my back that I could hardly walk most days. I switched to a chiro 3rd tri who understands pregnancy to a T and even kept up seeing him after having my son. Things are looking much brighter this time so I don't see why I won't be able to at least keep up with some sorta workout routine!


Let's talk boobs for a second... 
You knew this was coming ;)
I was a perky 36 C pre baby and I liked that. A lot.

I could pick any bra from VS I wanted and walk out the door happy. *swoon* It was love!
At the height of nursing when my milk finally came in I grew to a DDD! (yipe!!)
Post nursing I dropped to a 38 D and stayed put. 
 They don't tell you that bra shopping becomes a whole new experience all together. 
A frustrating one. 
Couldn't have too much of a push-up for that sexy date next week, they'll just plain fall out if you bend over... 
I was just learning how to function with those "new" suckers too and then they up and start growing again! 
Can't a tiny girl catch a break?! 
I'm already busting out of a new sports bras I JUST bought!

God's a funny guy... Just saying.
I guess all my adolescent "grumping" is coming back to bite me in the butt.


Lost my sexy yoga pants and now I'm loosing the sports bra I bought to go with them... 
And would you believe I JUST sold my nursing tops and bras??
I thought no more kiddos to maybe another in 3 years? 
Yup. Win for me. 
The good thing is I know the momma's needed them and therefore I'm far from upset.

Talk at you later! 

Shannon <3

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Two Under 2?!?!

Got some news!!!
Some VERY shocking news.

We're pregnant with #2! 

10 mos after having my son, Kylan, we learned baby #2 was on their merry way! 
Absolutely nuts considering we JUST talked about a 3yr plan to revisit the very idea of another. 
20%of me wanted another peanut and 70% didn't...

If you read the birth story of my first (Which it won't let me link... Grrr!) you might understand why I was so cautious about doing this again.  
My birth experience was nothing God didn't see coming and it didn't throw Him for a loop but it threw me for one.
However needed our trials are to make us stronger, it was hell and a half for me and the very reason I haven't blogged about being a new mom. Breaks my heart too because I have so much to share/update!! I've seriously felt so off and needed to put all my energy into caring for our baby boy that I even had to stop nursing my son at 7 mos due to loosing ground on my healing because of the massive calorie output. Even a good diet didn't help me I was felt weak, so weak no matter how much sleep I got it never helped. I was pale and looked like a Walker from the Walking Dead. Well, at least I thought so. *wink* So it's not for a lack of ignoring my small group of readers! I've simply been trying to survive. I'm not sure what to fully expect this time around but I'm keeping my chin up. 

God has a reason for this little one coming and in that I'm thrilled!!

On that note...

This pregnancy already feels different in most ways but others not so much. 
One thing that's driving me batty is the insomnia. Oh my goodness!!! I'm not only pooped due to working pt again, caring for my little and now this?! True and utter madness, I've had waxing clients have their jaws drop when they hear how much sleep I'm NOT getting. And if that doesn't show it my lack of proper talking/communication does. I sound like a babbling idiot! I miss sleep... My son has spoiled me with how good he's done since he was 8 weeks old, sleeping an average 10 hours a night and if I'm lucky 2, 2 hour naps during the day. I am blessed. (Right now he's trying to convince me he doesn't need a 2nd nap but mommy knows better.)

That's the biggest difference so far, haven't felt too sick yet...

We have also decided to go with a hospital/OB this time instead of a home birth/midwife...

Why you may ask?

Not for lack of believing in our midwife Jessica or lack of support for home birth vs hospital birth. I still say a home birth is the better way to go but my case seems to indicate maybe not (And those cases are out there! Some need the aid of a hospital to have a safer birth). Obviously not my first pick and you know me if you've read my stuff as to why, I'm not 100% anti medical field but I also have a very thin line of trust for it. In saying that I must say this...Doctors did save the life of both my son and myself, I can't deny that! However there's a residual PTSD-like sensation from my time in the hospital and the idea of going back isn't a pleasant one, regardless if it looks to be the safest option. We are even considering a doula this time to keep the home-like feeling with us. 

I had those who said I was CRAZY for trying a home birth and those who didn't say it had the look written all over their face. 
Then I had those who would hug me in learning that was my choice, people I randomly met in the checkout line usually. Do I feel like I made a stupid choice to try? No way! I feel like had I not I would've lived with some pretty massive regret. A woman posses more power in giving birth than what most give her credit for!
But our reason for going with my dr vs our midwife is me respecting the hearts of my husband and family. How I wish my midwife worked with the dr office I am registered with. I'd give my right arm... Not to negate my dr bc she's Christian and very respectful of my wishes thus far. It'll just be a journey to build some trust but it's one I'm willing to work for. :) As you can see I have some extremely mixed emotions that are God-sized and I'm willing to let Him work His grace in this and see this new adventure in a positive light!

So follow me once again as I document and discuss my progress and various topics surrounding the new pregnancy/baby due end of Summer 2014!

8 Weeks! (Roughly) 

Shannon <3