Saturday, July 28, 2012

Reading books while pregnant...

I've been cautioned about this from the time I was a little girl via my mother....

It's great to be informed is it not?

But is there such a thing as too much information when you're pregnant?

My answer would be yes!

There's a book in particular I'm thinking of... Now this book is quite popular and probably one of the scariest books you could possibly read while pregnant. "What to expect when you're expecting"

When I worked at Motherhood Maternity I had ladies tell me how awful that book was time and time again. They said if they didn't have fears before they certainly did now. 
And if they had fears already it made them a wreck! 
Nice to hear huh?

After my midwife asked me if I wanted to do any reading I told her I was leery and she knew why...
She said that book is probably the worst pregnancy book out there and would suggest other books to read other than that one. She's said any fear you may or may not have you will indeed get.

Enough said.

Plus I had looked it over when I worked at MM and decided NOPE already.

I am however reading/glossing over a book called 
"The pregnancy book" 
by William Sears, M.D, and Martha Sears, R.N.

So far this does a great job at giving you a month by month, week by week gem of information about you and your baby (Kind of like Plus it covers a whole list of other things that are/will be handy later on down the road. (i.e. Labor aid, knowing the risks of hospital pain methods and at home methods etc...)

Now I won't read the entire thing because there are somethings I know I can have my midwife answer. 
Esp since every pregnancy is in fact different (Which they state) and I want to develop a mind of my own with my pregnancy. Not the mind of somebody else. You are a strong woman, dig deep into the instincts God gave you and see what He's telling you while you're pregnant. You'll be shocked...

Did you know: 
After you've delivered your baby they should be at the breast within 15-30 min? 
Yup, the infant needs encouragement in feeding shortly after birth. 
This is not only key for mother and baby's health but it's key for proper mother and baby bonding. 
Makes sense why they say save your energy. (They cover how to do that as well.)

Yes, I read ahead.
Shame, shame....

But I have this insane curiosity about labor and birth!
Always have.

If I've heard one horror story I've heard a thousand haha
(Working in a maternity store will get ya that)
I'm not worried and have chosen not to let those stories effect me.
For whatever reason they had a bad experience and I'm believing for the clear opposite.
(God has a way of bringing peace if you let Him...)

That reminds me of this WONDERFUL documentary I watched before my husband and I were even married called "Pregnant in America" It's brilliant and I recommend it to ANY couple or mother who's wanting to/about to have a baby. It's the kind of information I value and found useful vs something to freak me out. This guy and his wife who put it together did a fantastic, fantastic job! 
(I found it on Netflix.)

I should probably be off now as I'm still hungry and have a fussy stomach this morning so I better find something that will make it happy. It didn't seem to like grapes very much....

Shannon <3 

20 First trimester survival tips!

It's nice to wake up and say, "I'm kinda chilly!"

I woke up thinking on all I've learned over the last month or so and thought writing it out might not be such a bad idea... So this will be more of a recap/survival tip blog. I'm no doctor but I've been making an effort to really learn as much as I can and to try different things. The following have been a HUGE help in either realizing through trail and error or advice I've been given these last couple months...

Some survival tips I've read, learned and discovered on my own:

1. Every woman is going to react differently
 Just because your mother didn't get sick doesn't mean you won't. 
And DON'T talk yourself into getting sick, I've seen ladies do this... Don't!

2. Try to learn early on what sets your poor little tummy off if you do feel sick.
(And if it's all day sickness learn what calms it. i.e. Preggy Pops from Motherhood Maternity)

3. Take your prenatal vitamins either with your biggest meal or when you feel best.
(Just make sure never on and empty stomach!)

4. The first trimester is about survival for some, so don't be overly worried if potato chips are one of the only things staying down. You need to eat what feels or sounds good! It's really about making sure you're actually getting something in your system vs nothing at all. Your baby will be safe, they are feeding off your body's nutrition and those vitamins are doing an amazing job as well. Don't neglect eating healthy but don't fret if all that sets one days is chicken and zero veggies. God's in control and you have the 2nd trimester right around the bend where you can start to balance things out.

5. If you have trouble getting even small workouts in don't worry about that either! This is a time for your body to rest as it will force you to sleep more. Have somebody help you stretch and learn to take small walks. Remember, you still have time to get back into a weekly system!

6. Take notice that getting out even if you don't always feel up to it may help distract you. Some ladies feel better at work, others feel better simply moving to their front porch. The same four walls can become irritating after a while, just remember to not over do it.

7. Sleep when you can!!
If you have time to nap and you feel like you suddenly need one... DO IT.

8. Water, Water, Water!
It can be hard to drink when you feel blah but when you don't drink up Girl!
(Try something to help replenish electrolytes such as Gatorade if you've been throwing up)

9. Smaller meals.
Try to keep food in your tummy every 2 hours if need be and force yourself to eat even if you don't feel like it. No, it's not fun but it saves you in the long run. Trust me.

10. Try something like cranberry juice in the morning if you tend to have low blood sugar.

11. Wake and rise slooooowly!
If you feel instantly starving or sick you NEED to keep crackers or favorable munchies by your side of the bed. This = lifesaver. You will also learn when you can rise without eating and go straight for the juice. This may fluctuate from day to day... And if you wake up in the middle of the night take a nibble, this will help you sleep in vs rise at the crack of dawn. It works quite well. 

12. Don't freak out if Ginger ale doesn't help and Coke does.
No, Coke is not ideal for pregnancy but if you need something heavier this may help sometimes settle the tummy. Nurse it ALL DAY or until it passes and don't go for the biggest bottle. Get the mini size and keep it ice cold. A little sip here and there esp when eating may help your food stay put longer. 
Just remember to not guzzle.

13. Do Not drink water while you're eating!
(Drink after. Your tummy will thank you.)

14. If you are prone to headaches like I am when my neck is out of place (i.e. From throwing up ;) 
Know what you can do to either prevent or ease a headache as safely as possible. 
Know what essential oils are yes and which are no. 
(There are over 60 a first trimester woman shouldn't use!)
Know which herbs are safe and which aren't. 
(Some valerian root for example may be toxic.) 
Try a cold compress on the back of the neck while laying down or going to bed.
(A sock with rice is my favorite!)
Ask for a scalp massage.
Take a shower and let the water run over you.
(This can actually be good for many things and you will pick up on when you need them!)
And if you're dealing with something nasty that won't end and you need sleep ask about Tylenol pm.
(No, I don't like pain killers but there are times you may need to cave and just let your body be chilled out for you. Migraines aren't the type of stress your body needs right now.)
Try to sleep headaches off after a shower or even without one!

As always, check with your Dr or midwife before trying anything that you're not sure of!!

And remember to find a Chiropractor that knows prenatal care, this will not only help your through your pregnancy but delivery as well!!

15. Wear clothes that feel comfortable. 

16. Keep your skin care routine simple.
If you're noticing skin changes don't worry about it, seek out the proper steps to care for your changing body. Something that once worked great may now be irritating, it's normal and there are ways around it. Chin up! Never fun to see your clear skin do some funky stuff but it's normal. :)

17. Start using lotion on your soon to be growing areas 3 times a day if you can!
(This may help with stretch marks. Just remember genetics plays a roll in this too.)

18. Go out for date nights with your husband or lunch outings with your girlies.
You need the distraction and it'll feel great! Just remember to plan accordingly so you don't tucker yourself out for work and everyday life.

19. Clean for 15 min at a pop if you're dog tired, make goals on what needs done that day!
And if the weather is hot you'll need to be extra careful not to overheat. 
AC is suddenly even more amazing at this point.

20.  All in all RELAX! 
Your body is working hard day and night to create this little human so you're bound to feel off, moody, sometimes sleep deprived, hungry, emotional etc... This is a blessing from above and no baby is created without the consent of our heavenly Father! Whether your baby is planned or not, this is a blessing... So take care of yourself and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

I'm nearly 2 weeks from reaching my 2nd trimester and these little bits have really help me as I have def felt less than energetic and food has been a chore to consume most days. Take it day by day and rejoice if you're the lucky lady who feels fine! One over the other doesn't determine if there's a healthy baby developing, it's all about how your body is responding to this new little life that's growing inside you!

God Bless,
Shannon <3

Thursday, July 26, 2012

10 1/2 Weeks pregnant!

We are having a massive heat wave here in CO and boy is it tough...

As I stated, I've never felt heat like this before it's insanity, pure insanity!
Lucky for me we now have 2 AC units in the house, I don't know who in their right mind thinks you don't need that out here. You're crazy! Sure it's not humid heat but still... Oi.

I had my first official midwife apt yesterday!!
She is absolutely wonderful, we loved her from the moment we met her.
Not only is she soft spoken and knowledgable, she's Christian.
Talk about an answer to prayer!
She got my file all in order, took some blood, pee in a cup, had my weight logged (I've gone from 125 to 132) and my first ultrasound. Busy but very relaxing at the same time.
When she took my blood I seriously would've never guessed she stuck something in my arm!
If it wasn't love before, it is now.

The best part was the ultrasound!!

She put the little wand thing over my stomach and to instantly see this little baby pop up on the screen was breath taking..... I'm not far along but to see how this little person indeed looks like a little person at such a young stage is mind blowing!! You could see arms, legs not to mention toes and a heart beating... This little flicker at a fast paced sound was my baby's heart!! I'm still in a state of shock as it's hard to wrap my head around this miracle taking place. What an amazing thing to witness.
My husband instantly had a grin from ear to ear and my mom started to cry... Reality of this little life is really sinking in. I'm loving every moment!!

Almost every moment haha

To say I'm tired of not being able to eat like I used to or want to is beyond old. 
Some foods are starting to sound good to me FINALLY! However, after a week straight of throwing up nearly everything I ate to a week of not throwing anything up and being able to eat a little more to being back to that middle of the road blech... It's makes one very worn out! Evenings are the worst for me so I'm usually slightly hungry when headed to bed. But I'm also dead tired so I may crash but then wake up with this need to eat or perish type deal. This I would say is my biggest annoyance.
My diet has expanded a little though so I can't really 100% complain about that. Esp since food is starting to smell good once again. Heaven. Sheer heaven.
Kinda addicted to fruit....

I have gained some weight and my midwife is very pleased.
(I guess there's either a 10 lb loss or gain in the first trimester.)
I'm shocked that I have but then again some clothes are kinda tight and really not fitting me the same way... I just watched Backup Plan" with Jennifer Lopez and I can almost relate to her outburst when none of her clothes fit properly. Well, at least my tighter stuff and most if not all of my jeans.
(I'm doing the hair band thing in the button hole to the button thing now. No goofy belly band for me!)
haha Yes, I have this little tummy thing going and it's a very different view from the flat one I had just a few weeks back. In reality it's not the baby yet per say... Just my body shifting and moving stuff inside and some minor bloating. The baby is a little smaller than a Kelly Doll from Barbie but will be twice that next week! Crazy huh? Now wonder your body and skin freak out, this little guy is gaining such hormonal speed to double their size in one week's time! Now it makes sense...
Not such a baggy shirt anymore.....

My skin is doing its own pregnancy thing.
Clearing up in one respect but staying testy in others.
Remember me saying those broken capillaries looked pretty nasty?
Well Juice Beauty has this Antioxidant serum that has melted away my sorrows and you wouldn't even know I had any issues! It's also one that can be used under your eyes which is a double life saver for those sleepless nights. This line makes me smile. :)

I heard your hair sometimes can fall out when you get pregnant...
Having long hair till my sister took a good 5 inches off I was used to shedding some.

But this.
Holy cow!!

I'm loosing hair like there's no tomorrow and it's driving my husband nuts as he tries to mud the walls in our bathroom he's building. Kinda makes me laugh but hey, it's not forever. And I have thick hair too so no worries. Just feel like a dog loosing it's winter coat. ;) 
I stripped my bed this morning and could've collected enough hair off my pillowcase for a child's wig!
haha Just kidding, but I do find this pretty funny.

I should stop here and prevent myself from anymore babbling.
It's time to go find something to eat... 
Dinner is being prepped and it smells glorious so I need to find something to hold me over! On the menu tonight is meatloaf, with stove top potatoes and some sorta undecided veggie. It's gonna be good. 

Shannon <3

Hormones are tricky little suckers!

Good Morning!

I'm blinking trying to wake up wishing I could kinda go back to bed here while my tummy says it's time to eat. I don't know about you but I've never been a big morning eater until now...

Which kind of annoys me to be honest. 
I've always enjoyed food, def not one of those girls who doesn't eat! I like my food and that's probably good, I burn my calories so fast I need to eat. Being pregnant has me feeling ravenous almost every hour to 2 hours. You sit there thinking, "Am I seriously getting hungry again, already?!"

And what hasn't helped is my surge of hormones with this being my 8-9 week stretch has my body finally giving up on keeping food down. Yup, I think I'm making good friends with the household toilets haha It's been fuuuuuuuuuuun.......

My midwife said having another rush of hormones sometimes makes the body freak out. I'm now told to drink cranberry juice in the morning with crackers and or rice cakes to help level out my already finicky blood sugar. She says this should pass in the next few weeks.

I've learned the following:

1. Don't eat a lot or else it doesn't stay down. Eat smaller meals. Yes, even if you're starving!

2. Eat when you start to feel hungry so it has a greater chance of staying down.

3. Always, always keep food with you and in you!

4. Water and gatorade are your friends more than ever.

5. The shameful Coke is MUCH better at easing an awful bout of sickness vs Ginger ale.
(I never drink Coke and when I did it was few and far between. However, if I nurse one all day if things are super yuck I find I can eat more and keep it down either longer or in general.)

6. When your body is changing this much most foods sound more like poison vs actual sustenance. 
So do your best to eat what sounds good or is bland in taste till you feel stable enough to try something with a little more flavor. Most fruit has been amazing for something mild yet with flavor!

My diet has consisted of the following:
Rice cakes
Protein bars with peanuts an such
Some grain bars
Some veggies
Meat when I'm stable enough to eat it
Some juice (Cranberry)
Water and Gatorade 
Apple sauce
Natural peanut butter
With a few random things I'll try here and there just to see....

Now some of you might think that's pretty good for somebody who's in her first trimester.
Which it may be.
I'm used to eating anything and almost everything.
So, this is torture haha

I'm dreaming about food.

How sad is that?!

I caved and went to Einstein Bagels the other day and ordered 2 Veg-Out's.
I was feeling pretty good and wanted to try some normal food.
That was probably the best day I had last week!! 
It tasted like heaven.

I said in a very sleepy state a few nights back, "I have a high pain tolerance but a low nausea tolerance." It's true. Def not something I've ever been good with. You can ask anybody in my family.
My Dad's the same way so I just blame him. :)

That brings me to my husband and family...
They have been amazing while I've been out of it and have really helped!!
Thank you guys, I love you SO much!!

Aside from my goofy stomach I've decided smell isn't the most valued sense out there...
I guess my Mom hasn't been crazy when she says the trash needs to go out because it stinks! haha
I've never had a good nose and to suddenly have one, this is different.

How is my skin?:
It went from trying its best to behave to not behaving at all.
The spike in hormones made it go a little batty and in that I've decided Juice Beauty has hands down the best cleansers I've ever tried!! I'm in love even more now.
I am noticing since I switched back to only their cleansers my skin is calming back down. 
Making for a very happy Aesty!!
It also helps speed up the broken capillaries that always come to the surface when I've been sick.
Kid you not, I will look like I have red freckles all over my face if I've had a nasty stomach thing going on. Not the prettiest but my husband tells me otherwise. He's one of those men every woman wishes she had, I'm blessed. So very blessed.

Current products of choice:

Juice Beauty's Acne cleanser for my evenings
(This will slap your unwanted friends upside the head and get them under control)

Juice Beauty's Exfoliating cleanser for my mornings
(Has soft Jojoba beads that feel wonderful)

Juice Beauty's Blemish control serum
(This is a dream serum after you've toned and need that all day action against hormonal skin)

Yes, I'm using other products from JB but these are the 3 that have really helped get me back on track!

Ah! Before I go....
The waldo Canyon fire claimed 2 lives in the end.
(A husband in wife found in their home)
Burned around 18,247 acres.
Claimed over 350 houses.
(Including the Flying W Ranch)
We are finally breathing clean air again!
(I'm loving this :)
Praise God as He preserved so much even in this disaster!

Well I'm done for now and will have another update after my first ultrasound apt!

Shannon <3 

Early perspective on morning sickness....

Hopefully you are sleeping better than me these days?
Oi. I miss deep sleep right now :( And I know this isn't the last of my sleep deprivation....

The fire turned ugly as we watched it crest the ridge and burn a chunk of foothill homes on Tuesday evening. Kinda reminded me of that movie war of the worlds with how it look... Wednesday the smoke was AWFUL and I seriously can't deal with it any longer. Def starting to feel doubly sick. Over 15,000 acres burned and counting. No deaths or injuries!

Well, I have new respect for you ladies who have suffer with morning sickness.
Now I understand this is experienced in a different ways for everybody but still, I highly doubt ANYBODY finds it fun....Gee I wonder why....
A show of hands for fun? 
Now's your time to admit you actually enjoyed this part!
Still no?

I don't blame you.

Whereas I have no desire (still) to loose my lunch, I am def out of it due to all of this smoke until 4ish and even then I'm dragging but able to get up and walk around more. My husband and mother both have affirmed to me heat mixed with smoke mixed with morning sickness = not happy times!

Learning always:

I try to eat every 2 hours and always keep something in my tummy.
i.e. Fruit, crackers, bread, chicken soup

This does seem to help even though I'm starving and can't eat as much as I truly want without feeling blech! Not a fun thing for somebody who loves to eat, who needs to eat lol I enjoy a good meal and come from a family that loves to cook. My husband can cook too so I'm pretty blessed!!


I feel better knowing morning sickness is a sign of the placenta is growing at a rapid rate and this indicates you most likely have a very healthy developing baby. This makes me smile. :) I am told this should ease up between 12 and 14 week of pregnancy. Praying for 12....

** Those Preggy Pop Drops have been a lifesaver as well! Not to mention they taste great!
I would say any mom who feels like poo should try them, they worked on an upset tummy prior to pregnancy for me as well. (The only reason I know that is I bought them one day when I was working at Motherhood Maternity and I felt kinda sick. Worked really well! Sold them quickly after that haha)

I have developed that "yuck reflex" to most foods and sadly to some of my favorites!
This. Not cool. 
I tried something yesterday and Ooooo bad mistake. Anything with onions and garlic really doesn't like me right now. So my diet is fairly neutral. Which they say to keep it as such till you begin to feel better.
Okay. It's boring. ;)

I'm meeting a friend for breakfast to tell her I'm pregnant and am praying I can get myself in gear to actually get out the door... I hate leaving the house right now. Hate. It. But I miss her and really need to pick her brian. Her husband is my chiropractor and I can tell I need adjusted buuuut don't want to just go in, I know the 1st trimester is a tricky one and I need to know how he cared for her when she was pregnant. I trust her and know I'll get amazing advice! I trust her husband as well because he's the best and has been with me through a lot, mainly the TBI. His adjustments seriously saved me from a world of permanent hurt and possible need of medication. (And you all know I don't like meds)

Better take off!

Shannon <3 

A baby from conception.

Good Morning!!

The fire I mentioned before has now burned over 3,000 acres yet no homes or people have been struct down, this is truly grace! But we need rain and we need it bad... The heat is high and dry here so this isn't helping one bit. Those 450 some firefighters must be dying of heat being that close to those flames.

And speaking of heat.
This heat is the last thing I want to be feeling!
I'm not one who likes the whole dizzy and yucky tummy thing... Don't exactly know who would?
I still don't feel like I have to throw up but it's def got my attention to where I need crackers and now I'm trying some ginger ale to see if that helps. Swallowing something with bubbles feels amazing, water just makes it worse. Bubbles are our friend. :)

I'm starting to notice my flat tummy is looking a little more on the bloated side of things...
Now, the baby is still really small, not near big enough to have me show but your body starts transitioning organs that can be moved to make room for baby, plus you can hold a little more water. Esp in heat! 

I've also started noticing I can't wear my bras as long as I used to...
The underwire HURTS come dinner time and then I'm back in my sports bras. They are heaven!
There's a growing tightness in my chest as they're firming up in a very different way.
(Kinda feels like I killed myself on a hard workout.)
I will most likely be off to Motherhood Maternity for bras in the very near future.
I'm blessed to have worked there about 4 years back so i don't have to walk in and not have a clue what I'm looking for! I already know :) Underwires, I'm officially done.

My husband and I told my family yesterday (Sunday the 24th) and they were so happy!
haha My sister screamed and realized she's going to be an Auntie. She wanted to tell the world but Kyle (my husband) and I want to keep things hush hush till the second trimester. (If we can)
Between the death of my Pop Pop on my Dad's side and my Gram on my mom's side going downhill even more with her dementia, we kinda want to keep things chill...

However, before we know it the middle of Aug will be here and I'll be onto the second trimester!

I'm really looking forward too that, esp since these surging hormones really tend to mess with you as the baby is developing and growing at such a rapid rate. Anybody who says this isn't a baby is crazy! Do your research and you'll see how everything has such intricate design that only a Creator from above could've put together. This is a week by week miracle... It's a baby from conception.
"You knit me together in my mother's womb...."

Have a wonderful day!
Shannon <3

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Let the pregnancy documenting begin!!

It's a good morning but kinda noisy.... 
We have a fan along with our AC running so it's less than quiet lol
Let me see if I can think enough to write....

I first want to mark this blog with the events of the closest wildfire yet to home.
Waldo Canon is currently burning and it started at 1:00 p.m. yesterday 6.23.12
and is still burning today, so far over 2,500 acres burn madly and places as close as Manitou Springs and Garden of the Gods have been evacuated. Have yet to look at the news this morning but know if we don't get this fire under control hundreds of people will be loosing their homes and millions of dollars will be burned away as it will touch some of our most expensive houses around.
My family and I are safe, it would have to burn through the entire city to reach us but we can still be effected by falling ash and poor breathing conditions. Not so good when pregnant or when you have a sister who has nasty asthma. We're praying for rain!

But back to the babyness!

Well, there isn't one yet obviously but there is a baby in there, my lab results proved it yesterday when I went to go pick them up. It was like looking at an odd math problem when she handed it to me so I asked for some education on how to read it. My score was 12319, this means I'm anywhere between 5 to 6 weeks pregnant!! Which was my actual guess, 4 weeks being the low.

So I now have 4 at home tests and some lab work that def confirm my husband and I are expecting our first baby! God creates miracles and who are we to judge on His timing?

First symptoms:

1. My skin was doing amazing after all the major BC (Birth control) issues I've had, I even canned it over 6 months back and was still having nasty issues with my body. So to say the least I was thrilled!
Now around my cycle it would still go kinda batty in the hormonal zones but I could manage it since my body was finally trying to play nice(er). Well my skin started doing it's pre-cylce thing but way too early so I got confused... Hmmmmmm
I wasn't stressed out,
I was eating well,
Working out and using great product.
Nothing awful now mind you, juuuust enough to annoy the daylights out of this poor Aesty who thought she had found balance. 

2. I started having cramping so I figured ah okay here it comes, earlier than the last 2 months but oh well. I guess I'll regulate again one day... *shlump* 
Before BC I could practically tell you the date and time it would start! 
Now? Psh! Yeah. Right.
This cramping felt normal yet it didn't and it was going on for about a week and no period.
What the heck??
This would be new for me seeing as I've never had something like this but I wasn't putting anything past my body at this point. I just figured it was trying reeeeeally hard to regulate. 

3. Breast tenderness to the extreme! I hated hugs and my bras were becoming painful to wear all day. And this was going on 3 or more weeks haha End of story. 

4. Feeling kinda blah after odd combinations of food.
I had a wedding for my gf Karrie and she had some random yummies there, plus I enjoyed some champagne and a glass of wine. On my way home and by the time I got home I felt sickish. Though I counted it to the fact I ate a lot of food but an odd combination and maybe that last glass of wine just wasn't sitting well with all I ate....

6. No sign of a period. 
I have a website that helps me track my goofy self and they were saying that now I may be 8 days late.
Am I? Was I?
I felt weird and it was growing vs diminishing.
After talking with my husband he begged me to take a pregnancy test so I did.
2 pink lines after 5 min of waiting and we both started crying, this was a happy, happy moment!
I took the at home test on June 19th and then again on the 20th. 
Had my blood test on the 22nd and got my result on the 23rd.

Now my symptoms have grown in the last:

A. I'm constantly STARVING but need to watch what I eat or else I feel blah. 
However if I don't eat I feel worse. No desire to toss cookies, just yuck.
Mexican food has sat better than peanut butter bread, figure that out!

B. I am getting very, very tired and desire naps and early bedtimes. I'm going to bed early and crashing 5 min after I'm down there... I'm waking up around 4 and restless from there on out. OR I just might fall back asleep but wake up at 6 or 6:30 and be "wide awake" and needing to feed myself asap. If I don't Oi... Yuck tummy. 

C. I'm feeling more emotional and I'm not a super emotional person so this is different...

D. Very restless sleep starting at around 4 a.m. (Like I had mentioned) and leg cramps that sometimes are with me most of the day. Which isn't fun since this was a left behind side effect that also came form the head injury. haha YAY! 

What's up with my skin you may ask?:
It's calming down and behaving nicer for now so I'm pretty pleased!
I've been using the Peppermint Milk cleanser by Ann Webb's line called Skin for hormonal skin.
Just started using jojoba oil to remove my makeup and as a nighttime moisturizer, so I'm still in the testing phase but so far so good. Fingers crossed!
And using Dessert Essence Tea Tree oil for those little pests I'm almost done killing.
Now I of course use other stuff as well, but these are my newbies to try and control the newest hormonal issues and I'm pretty darn pleased at both the results and the price I'm NOT paying!
(Can be bought at Whole Foods or

All in all I've always had great skin it's just odd for somebody who went from 0 breakouts to suddenly having some in the proper hormonal zones after having BC because that stuff seriously messed me up!
Here's a link to my blog I wrote on it.

Well, that's about it for now until I find out more from a midwife.
Really pushing for a midwife as I'm not cool with the whole hospital thing.
I want things to be smooth and calm.
I emailed a midwife I found online and she responded with such wonderful help already!
Hoping to set up and apt sometime this week or next.

Hope you have a wonderful day!
Shannon <3

Guess who's pregnant?!

 I hope this day finds you all well!
Ready to follow me on yet another adventure??

Yes, it's indeed true... My husband and I are expecting our first baby!

Holy cow haha What a shock to the system! 

We had first planned on 5 years then kids, buuuut then it moved down to 3 years and then we took a look at our ages come next birthdays and we decided a year and then kids???
We decided a year.

Looking at it this way....
We'll both be 26 for starters.
And another key reason is with me still dealing with the side effects (sometimes daily) of the TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) I sustained over 10 years back it all made sense to not have me in my 30's when we decided to have a baby. However, we have only been married 7 months haha sooooo baby is coming a little earlier than planned. God must be up to something...

But going back to the age thing:

A. I'd always wanted to be in my mid 20's when I had kids.

B. It felt like a physically mature age to start a family and I would still be young enough physically and bounce back at a faster rate. Seems fair. Not to say in your 30's you can't bounce back fast or even in your 40's, I just always wanted to be in my 20's when a baby came into the picture.

Now there's the personal conflict issue:

I've always stated you need a year or more alone with your husband before you enter in the kid factor.
Which made sense seeing as if you've never lived with anybody before or shared your life on every level there is SO much to learn about your new husband or wife. And it's exciting!


God has a way of making us humble.
He'll smack ya on the head if He has to. *wink*
I'm at peace with the fact God knows what He's doing, and I'm very excited about this!!
My husband is floating on the clouds and smiling around every corner
and I'm still stuck in a state of wow... This is really happening... There's life growing inside me!
What a miraculous concept.

I'd like to document my pregnancy as the weeks and months roll by...
As not only a woman but as an Aesthetician this has me intrigued... Always has.
And now, I get to personally document my own experience! 

I'll keep you informed on my skin and what I'm using,
What I'm eating or not eating,
Fitness and the different outlook on all that entails,
Water and nutrition,
Midwife visits,
Weight and clothing choices etc...

I'm excited and cant wait to start!

Have a wonderful day,
Shannon <3