It's nice to wake up and say, "I'm kinda chilly!"
I woke up thinking on all I've learned over the last month or so and thought writing it out might not be such a bad idea... So this will be more of a recap/survival tip blog. I'm no doctor but I've been making an effort to really learn as much as I can and to try different things. The following have been a HUGE help in either realizing through trail and error or advice I've been given these last couple months...
Some survival tips I've read, learned and discovered on my own:
1. Every woman is going to react differently
Just because your mother didn't get sick doesn't mean you won't.
And DON'T talk yourself into getting sick, I've seen ladies do this... Don't!
2. Try to learn early on what sets your poor little tummy off if you do feel sick.
(And if it's all day sickness learn what calms it. i.e. Preggy Pops from Motherhood Maternity)
3. Take your prenatal vitamins either with your biggest meal or when you feel best.
(Just make sure never on and empty stomach!)
4. The first trimester is about survival for some, so don't be overly worried if potato chips are one of the only things staying down. You need to eat what feels or sounds good! It's really about making sure you're actually getting something in your system vs nothing at all. Your baby will be safe, they are feeding off your body's nutrition and those vitamins are doing an amazing job as well. Don't neglect eating healthy but don't fret if all that sets one days is chicken and zero veggies. God's in control and you have the 2nd trimester right around the bend where you can start to balance things out.
5. If you have trouble getting even small workouts in don't worry about that either! This is a time for your body to rest as it will force you to sleep more. Have somebody help you stretch and learn to take small walks. Remember, you still have time to get back into a weekly system!
6. Take notice that getting out even if you don't always feel up to it may help distract you. Some ladies feel better at work, others feel better simply moving to their front porch. The same four walls can become irritating after a while, just remember to not over do it.
7. Sleep when you can!!
If you have time to nap and you feel like you suddenly need one... DO IT.
8. Water, Water, Water!
It can be hard to drink when you feel blah but when you don't drink up Girl!
(Try something to help replenish electrolytes such as Gatorade if you've been throwing up)
9. Smaller meals.
Try to keep food in your tummy every 2 hours if need be and force yourself to eat even if you don't feel like it. No, it's not fun but it saves you in the long run. Trust me.
10. Try something like cranberry juice in the morning if you tend to have low blood sugar.
11. Wake and rise slooooowly!
If you feel instantly starving or sick you NEED to keep crackers or favorable munchies by your side of the bed. This = lifesaver. You will also learn when you can rise without eating and go straight for the juice. This may fluctuate from day to day... And if you wake up in the middle of the night take a nibble, this will help you sleep in vs rise at the crack of dawn. It works quite well.
12. Don't freak out if Ginger ale doesn't help and Coke does.
No, Coke is not ideal for pregnancy but if you need something heavier this may help sometimes settle the tummy. Nurse it ALL DAY or until it passes and don't go for the biggest bottle. Get the mini size and keep it ice cold. A little sip here and there esp when eating may help your food stay put longer.
Just remember to not guzzle.
13. Do Not drink water while you're eating!
(Drink after. Your tummy will thank you.)
14. If you are prone to headaches like I am when my neck is out of place (i.e. From throwing up ;)
Know what you can do to either prevent or ease a headache as safely as possible.
Know what essential oils are yes and which are no.
(There are over 60 a first trimester woman shouldn't use!)
Know which herbs are safe and which aren't.
(Some valerian root for example may be toxic.)
Try a cold compress on the back of the neck while laying down or going to bed.
(A sock with rice is my favorite!)
Ask for a scalp massage.
Take a shower and let the water run over you.
(This can actually be good for many things and you will pick up on when you need them!)
And if you're dealing with something nasty that won't end and you need sleep ask about Tylenol pm.
(No, I don't like pain killers but there are times you may need to cave and just let your body be chilled out for you. Migraines aren't the type of stress your body needs right now.)
Try to sleep headaches off after a shower or even without one!
As always, check with your Dr or midwife before trying anything that you're not sure of!!
And remember to find a Chiropractor that knows prenatal care, this will not only help your through your pregnancy but delivery as well!!
15. Wear clothes that feel comfortable.
16. Keep your skin care routine simple.
If you're noticing skin changes don't worry about it, seek out the proper steps to care for your changing body. Something that once worked great may now be irritating, it's normal and there are ways around it. Chin up! Never fun to see your clear skin do some funky stuff but it's normal. :)
17. Start using lotion on your soon to be growing areas 3 times a day if you can!
(This may help with stretch marks. Just remember genetics plays a roll in this too.)
18. Go out for date nights with your husband or lunch outings with your girlies.
You need the distraction and it'll feel great! Just remember to plan accordingly so you don't tucker yourself out for work and everyday life.
19. Clean for 15 min at a pop if you're dog tired, make goals on what needs done that day!
And if the weather is hot you'll need to be extra careful not to overheat.
AC is suddenly even more amazing at this point.
20. All in all RELAX!
Your body is working hard day and night to create this little human so you're bound to feel off, moody, sometimes sleep deprived, hungry, emotional etc... This is a blessing from above and no baby is created without the consent of our heavenly Father! Whether your baby is planned or not, this is a blessing... So take care of yourself and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
I'm nearly 2 weeks from reaching my 2nd trimester and these little bits have really help me as I have def felt less than energetic and food has been a chore to consume most days. Take it day by day and rejoice if you're the lucky lady who feels fine! One over the other doesn't determine if there's a healthy baby developing, it's all about how your body is responding to this new little life that's growing inside you!
God Bless,
Shannon <3